Empowering teachers and students for a brighter future.

Emily Wichmann is running for Oceanside School Board, Area 2.

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Support Emily Ortiz Wichmann's campaign to bring experienced leadership and dedicated advocacy to the Oceanside School Board—your donation will help shape a brighter educational future for our community's children.

Proven Leadership & Experience

Emily brings a wealth of experience to her role as a school board trustee, having served for 24 years. She has been elected president of the board five times and is known for her student and parent advocacy. She ran for election six times and was consistently the top vote-getter, demonstrating the trust the community places in her leadership and vision. Her sleeves are rolled up and she is ready to continue this work for the community!

Academic Excellence

The State sets content standards and curriculum framework. These are minimum standards. The State’s frameworks are unsurprisingly controversial and below the standards that students in our community can achieve. The Board reviews instructional materials to ensure they align with the content standards and are consistent with the curriculum framework.

As part of my mission to improve transparency, I will ensure that all instructional materials are posted online and accessible to every parent to the fullest extent possible under the law. If any materials are copyright restricted, they will be made available for parents to review on site.

Campus Safety

Children can’t learn if they don’t feel safe. Nearby districts have recently voted to remove uniformed police officers (SRO’s) from their campuses. I will be a trustee that advocates for keeping them on our campuses. SRO’s not only protect our kids and staff on campus, but they strive to build relationships with students and seek to head off issues before they become crimes. Most often, SRO’s can be a listener to a struggling student and a mentor to the outcast. The amount of caring and empathy an SRO provides is just as important as safety and protection.

Transparency & Accountability

What the district does is the people's business. Everything our school board does is our business.

Accordingly, unless a document is legally exempt from disclosure, our community has a right to review it. Only very limited kinds of documents are exempt from disclosure.

To the extent feasible, key documents should be posted online for the public to review, even if a Public Records Act request has not been made.

The best way to improve trust between the community and the district is by shining a light on what’s happening and giving as much access as possible to the community. Our district’s practice of limiting access to meetings and communications breeds distrust.

Other Key Issues:

Support Educators: Support and respect educators and strengthen trust to retain talent.

Fiscal Responsibility: Implement long term plan to avoid financial disaster.

Parental Involvement: Restore partnership between parents and teachers.

Bring Families Back: Stop attrition and bring families back to OUSD public schools.

Community: Expand opportunities for involvement and continue legacy of caring community.

“Everyone must be given an opportunity to be heard. Elected officials must be accessible and respectful.”


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
